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Females Making Waves in the Sports and Fitness Space

Now more than ever, women are kicking goals when it comes to their physical activity. There has been a 12% increase in the number of women playing team sport in the past decade, and an estimated 6.2 million Australian women participating in regular physical recreation or sports according to the 2019 statistics. This is accompanied by an increased number of females working in the sports and fitness industry, especially in sports that were once considered male-dominated.

Here are just 5 reasons why females are excelling in sports and fitness:

1. Women are STRONG

Despite having lower testosterone levels, women can still increase strength with consistent training and can make significant muscle gains.

2. Women can be the masters of ENDURANCE

As the female body is better at metabolizing fat, this enables increased performance in endurance activities such as long distance running or swimming. In fact, given appropriate training, women have the capability to out-perform male counterpart in ultra-endurance events.

3. Women are FLEXIBLE

Generally, women are more flexible than men due to having more laxity in their ligaments. This provides us with an advantage when it comes to sports such as yoga, dance and gymnastics.

4. Women can RECOVER

Evidence suggests that females recover faster than men from Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness which often occurs after intense activity. This means that women can bounce back quickly after intense workouts.

5. Women are DETERMINED

The grit and dedication shown by females is one of the main reasons why there is such success in the fitness industry. Women are challenging gender stereotypes, particularly in traditionally male-dominated sports.

The Movement Workshop celebrates and supports female participation in sports and physical activity. If you are interested in increasing your physical activity and working towards specific goals, we would love to help support your journey.


Australian Bureau of Statistics (2019). Participation in Sport and Physical Recreation, Australia, 2017-18. Retrieved from

Australian Sports Commission. (2017). AusPlay Participation Data – April 2016 to March 2017. Retrieved from

Women’s Health Victoria. (2020). Women and Physical Activity. Retrieved from

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